How to do stratified splitting of Multi-class Multi-labeled image classification data

Complete with code and unit tests.


Richard Decal


November 22, 2020

Stratified sampling is imporant when you have extremely unbalanced machine learning datasets to ensure that each class is evenly distributed across your train/test/validation splits. While there are several solutions for multi-class data, there are few for multi-classs and multi-label datasets. So, I’m sharing my solution below.

Here’s a handy visual for stratified sampling from Wikipedia: Stratified Sampling example. Source: Wikipedia

The solution depends on skmultilearn’s IterativeStratification method. Unfortunately, skmultilearn is not very well maintained and I ran into a few sharp corners while coming up with this solution. I documented those sharp corners in the comments below.

Also note that these function is used inside a Kedro pipeline, where I am using Kedro’s PartitionDatasets. That’s why the return values are sometimes packaged inside a dictionary.

I am also making available my pytest suites at the end.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import ipytest
import pytest
from typeguard import typechecked
from skmultilearn.model_selection.iterative_stratification import IterativeStratification

# enables ipytest notebook magic

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def stratify_shuffle_split_subsets(
    full_dataset: Dict[str, Callable], output_partition_name: str, train_fraction: float
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]:
    Stratify-shuffle-split the a multi-class multi-label dataset into
    train/dev/validation sets.

        full_dataset: the full supervised dataset. One column is the img uris, and the rest are binary labels.
        output_partition_name: the name of the output partition
        train_fraction: the fraction of data to reserve for the training dataset. The remaining data will be evenly
            split into the dev and validation subsets.

        the supervised dataset, split into train/test/dev subsets. The train subset is not saved as a partitionedDataset
        yet because we are doing label smoothing in the next processing step.
    if not 0 < train_fraction < 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Training fraction must be value between 0 and 1, got {train_fraction}")

    loader = full_dataset[output_partition_name]
    full_dataset = loader()
    original_cols = full_dataset.columns
    # pandas documentation says to use .to_numpy() instead of .values for consistency
    img_urls = full_dataset["img_url"].to_numpy()

    # sanity check: no duplicate labels
    if not len(img_urls) == len(set(img_urls)):
        raise ValueError("Duplicate image keys detected.")

    labels = full_dataset.drop(columns=["img_url"]).to_numpy().astype(int)
    # NOTE generators are replicated across workers. do stratified shuffle split beforehand"stratifying dataset iteratively. this may take a while.")
    # NOTE: splits >2 broken;
    # so, do 2 rounds of iterative splitting
    stratifier = IterativeStratification(
        n_splits=2, order=2, sample_distribution_per_fold=[1.0 - train_fraction, train_fraction],
    # this class is a generator that produces k-folds. we just want to iterate it once to make a single static split
    # NOTE: needs to be computed on hard labels.
    train_indexes, everything_else_indexes = next(stratifier.split(X=img_urls, y=labels))

    num_overlapping_samples = len(set(train_indexes).intersection(set(everything_else_indexes)))
    if num_overlapping_samples != 0:
        raise ValueError(f"First splitting failed, {num_overlapping_samples} overlapping samples detected")

    # s3url array shape (N_samp,)
    x_train, x_else = img_urls[train_indexes], img_urls[everything_else_indexes]
    # labels array shape (N_samp, n_classes)
    Y_train, Y_else = labels[train_indexes, :], labels[everything_else_indexes, :]

    # now, split the "else" data evenly into dev/val splits
    stratifier = IterativeStratification(n_splits=2, order=2)  # splits evenly by default
    dev_indexes, validation_indexes = next(stratifier.split(x_else, Y_else))

    num_overlapping_samples = len(set(dev_indexes).intersection(set(validation_indexes)))
    if num_overlapping_samples != 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Second splitting failed, {num_overlapping_samples} overlapping samples detected")

    x_dev, x_val = (x_else[dev_indexes], x_else[validation_indexes])
    Y_dev, Y_val = (Y_else[dev_indexes, :], Y_else[validation_indexes, :])

    for subset_name, frac, encodings_collection in [
        ("train", train_fraction, Y_train),
        ("dev", (1.0 - train_fraction) / 2, Y_dev),
        ("val", (1.0 - train_fraction) / 2, Y_val),
        # column-wise sum. sum(counts) > n_samples due to imgs with >1 class
        count_values = np.sum(encodings_collection, axis=0)
        # skip first col, which is the image key, not a class ID
        counts = {class_id: count_val for class_id, count_val in zip(full_dataset.columns[1:], count_values)}" {subset_name} subset ({frac * 100:.1f}%) encodings counts after stratification: {counts}")

    # combine (x,y) data into dataframes
    train_subset = pd.DataFrame(Y_train)
    train_subset.insert(0, "img_url", pd.Series(x_train))
    train_subset.columns = original_cols

    dev_subset = pd.DataFrame(Y_dev)
    dev_subset.insert(0, "img_url", pd.Series(x_dev))
    dev_subset.columns = original_cols

    val_subset = pd.DataFrame(Y_val)
    val_subset.insert(0, "img_url", pd.Series(x_val))
    val_subset.columns = original_cols

    # TODO create Great Expectations suite for this node instead
    assert "img_url" in dev_subset.columns
    assert "img_url" in val_subset.columns
    assert "img_url" in train_subset.columns

    return (
        {output_partition_name: dev_subset},
        {output_partition_name: val_subset},

Testing that it all works

Below are my pytests and their results. Note, that the fixtures mimic Kedro PartitionDatasets.

def unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name():
    """PartitionName to simulate Kedro PartitionDataset"""
    return "pytest_unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name"

def unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset(unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name: str) -> Dict[str, Callable]:
    Generates a multi-class multilabel dataset.


        a multi-class multi-label df, packed in a lambda to mimic Kedro PartitionDataset
    df_rows = []

    n_total = 60
    n_created = 0
    n_class1 = n_total // 3
    n_class2 = n_total // 3
    n_class2_plus_3 = n_total // 3

    for _ in range(n_class1):
        df_rows.append({"img_url": f"s3://test{n_created}", "class0": 1, "class1": 0, "class2": 0})
        n_created += 1

    for _ in range(n_class2):
        df_rows.append({"img_url": f"s3://test{n_created}", "class0": 0, "class1": 1, "class2": 0})
        n_created += 1

    for _ in range(n_class2_plus_3):
        df_rows.append({"img_url": f"s3://test{n_created}", "class0": 0, "class1": 1, "class2": 1})
        n_created += 1

    df = pd.DataFrame(df_rows)
    data_loader = lambda: df

    return {unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name: data_loader}

@pytest.mark.parametrize("train_fraction", [-1.0, 0, 1, 5])
def test_train_fraction_range(
    unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset, train_fraction, unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name
    Tests that train_fraction is validated between 0, 1.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

def test_duplicate_uris_detected(unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name):
    """Tests whether duplicate image keys are properly detected"""
    # setup

    df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"img_url": "s3://duplicate1", "class0": 1, "class1": 0, "class2": 0},
            {"img_url": "s3://duplicate1", "class0": 1, "class1": 0, "class2": 0},
            {"img_url": "s3://duplicate1", "class0": 1, "class1": 0, "class2": 0},
            {"img_url": "s3://duplicate2", "class0": 0, "class1": 1, "class2": 0},
            {"img_url": "s3://duplicate2", "class0": 0, "class1": 1, "class2": 0},
    data_loader = lambda: df
    partition_dset = {unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name: data_loader}

    # test
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

def test_col_names_same(unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset, unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name):
    Tests that train_fraction is validated between 0, 1.
    # setup
    train_split: pd.DataFrame
    dev_split: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
    val_split: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
    # set train fraction to 0.6 to make math easier later
    train_fraction = 0.6
    data_loader = unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset[unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name]
    original_df = data_loader()
    original_df_cols = original_df.columns

    # run
    train_df, dev_split, val_split = stratify_shuffle_split_subsets(

    # test setup
    dev_df, val_df = (
    train_df_cols, dev_df_cols, val_df_cols = train_df.columns, dev_df.columns, val_df.columns

    # tests
    assert all(train_df_cols == original_df_cols)
    assert all(dev_df_cols == original_df_cols)
    assert all(val_df_cols == original_df_cols)

def test_stratify_shuffle_split_subsets(
    unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset, unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name
    """Tests whether a multi-class multi-label dataset gets properly stratify-shuffle-split."""
    # setup
    train_split: pd.DataFrame
    dev_split: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
    val_split: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
    # set train fraction to 0.6 to make math easier later
    train_fraction = 0.6
    ratio_train_to_val = train_fraction / ((1.0 - train_fraction) / 2)
    data_loader = unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset[unsplit_supervised_learning_dataset_partition_name]
    original_dset_len = len(data_loader())

    # run
    train_df, dev_split, val_split = stratify_shuffle_split_subsets(

    # test setup
    dev_df, val_df = (
    train_keys, dev_keys, val_keys = train_df["img_url"], dev_df["img_url"], val_df["img_url"]

    uniq_train_keys, uniq_dev_keys, uniq_val_keys = set(train_keys), set(dev_keys), set(val_keys)

    # Tests

    ## test keys

    # test no duplicate keys within subsets
    assert len(train_keys) == len(uniq_train_keys)
    assert len(val_keys) == len(uniq_val_keys)
    assert len(dev_keys) == len(uniq_dev_keys)

    # test that all subsets have mutually exclusive S3 URIs
    assert len(uniq_train_keys.intersection(uniq_dev_keys)) == 0
    assert len(uniq_train_keys.intersection(uniq_val_keys)) == 0
    assert len(uniq_val_keys.intersection(uniq_dev_keys)) == 0

    ## test ratios
    # test that dev and val subsets get same number of samples
    assert len(dev_df) == len(val_df)
    # test that test set is 2x size of dev
    assert len(train_df) / (len(train_df) + len(dev_df) + len(val_df)) == pytest.approx(train_fraction)
    # test that all samples are used
    assert len(train_df) + len(dev_df) + len(val_df) == original_dset_len

    ## test distributions

    ### class 0
    # test whether dev/val set got same amount of class 0
    assert len(dev_df[dev_df.class0 == 1]) == len(val_df[val_df.class0 == 1])
    # test whether train set got 2x class0 as val set
    assert len(train_df[train_df.class0 == 1]) / len(val_df[val_df.class0 == 1]) == pytest.approx(ratio_train_to_val)

    ### class 1
    # test whether dev/val set got same amount of class 1
    assert len(dev_df[dev_df.class1 == 1]) == len(val_df[val_df.class1 == 1])
    # test whether train set got 2x class1 as val set
    assert len(train_df[train_df.class1 == 1]) / len(val_df[val_df.class1 == 1]) == pytest.approx(ratio_train_to_val)

    ### class 2
    # test whether dev/val set got same amount of class 2
    assert len(dev_df[dev_df.class2 == 1]) == len(val_df[val_df.class2 == 1])
    # test whether train set got 2x class1 as val set
    assert len(train_df[train_df.class2 == 1]) / len(val_df[val_df.class2 == 1]) == pytest.approx(ratio_train_to_val)
.....2020-11-22 17:19:46,228 - __main__ - INFO - stratifying dataset iteratively. this may take a while.
2020-11-22 17:19:46,239 - __main__ - INFO -  train subset (60.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 12, 'class1': 24, 'class2': 12}
2020-11-22 17:19:46,251 - __main__ - INFO -  dev subset (20.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 4, 'class1': 8, 'class2': 4}
2020-11-22 17:19:46,253 - __main__ - INFO -  val subset (20.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 4, 'class1': 8, 'class2': 4}
.2020-11-22 17:19:46,271 - __main__ - INFO - stratifying dataset iteratively. this may take a while.
2020-11-22 17:19:46,280 - __main__ - INFO -  train subset (60.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 12, 'class1': 24, 'class2': 12}
2020-11-22 17:19:46,283 - __main__ - INFO -  dev subset (20.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 4, 'class1': 8, 'class2': 4}
2020-11-22 17:19:46,287 - __main__ - INFO -  val subset (20.0%) encodings counts after stratification: {'class0': 4, 'class1': 8, 'class2': 4}
.                                                                                         [100%]
========================================== warnings summary ===========================================
  /home/richard/src/DENDRA/seeweed/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: typeguard

-- Docs:
7 passed, 1 warning in 0.15s