Getting Immersed VR setup on Ubuntu

Documenting how to get Immersed VR working on Ubuntu Linux


Richard Decal


February 1, 2024

In my quest to perfect my “road warrior” setup, I have been experimenting with coding in VR. I have been using the Immersed VR app on my Quest 3 headset to create a virtual workspace. Unfortunately, the official Immersed documentation is not very clear on how to get Immersed VR setup on Ubuntu. Here are the steps I took to get it working. I would like to credit this blog post by Alexandre Souza for pointing me in the right direction, my contribution is porting the steps to Ubuntu Linux.

Steps: * Follow the instructions on the Immersed VR website to install the Immersed VR app on your headset and on Linux (download page here). * Install the required dependencies:

sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/v4l2loopback.service

Here are the settings I used for the service file, based on the aforementioned blog post. The device is set to /dev/video9 to avoid conflicts with other devices.


ExecStart=/bin/modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=9 card_label="ImmersedVR" exclusive_caps=1
ExecStop=/bin/rmmod v4l2loopback

sudo systemctl enable v4l2loopback
sudo systemctl start v4l2loopback
# before:
# "CameraDevice": "/dev/video0"
# after:
"CameraDevice": "/dev/video9"
chmod +x Immersed-x86_64.AppImage

On my machine, the app will display a “Virtual camera device is not found at /dev/video0” error, even though we set the config file to use /dev/video9. I just click “OK” and the app correctly uses the /dev/video9 device.

Another tip is that you can create virtual monitors, even if you don’t have a physical monitor connected. This is natively supported by the Immersed app on Windows/Mac, but for Linux you need to use a tool like xrandr to create a virtual monitor. This blog post by Craig Wardman explains how to do it.